Surface 678 has won 4 Sir Walter Raleigh Awards for Community Appearance in 2021. The Sir Walter Raleigh Awards for Community Appearance recognize outstanding new contributions to the character, environment, and appearance of the City of Raleigh. Surface won awards for three projects: John Chavis Memorial Park, Bloc[83], and North Carolina State University Fitts-Woolard Hall. The fourth award was the Jury’s Choice Award which was also given to John Chavis Memorial Park.

The entries are evaluated by the jury using multiple criteria including exhibiting a new standard of excellence, good stewardship of the land, community involvement and innovation, preservation of existing natural, historic, or cultural features, sustainable building principles, and more!

We are endlessly proud of these projects and are so glad to see the Raleigh community embrace them wholeheartedly. We are also grateful to have teamed with such great firms who all contributed to making these projects a success.

John Chavis Memorial Park: Clearscapes (Architect), NV5 (Civil Engineer), Lysaght & Associates (Structural Engineer), Sigma (MEP)
Bloc[83]: Gensler (Architect), Heritage Properties (Developer), McAdams (Civil Engineer), Lynch Mykins (Structural Engineer)
Fitts-Woolard Hall: Clark Nexsen (Architect)