The project includes the renovation of the existing Factory Building, potential connection to the Natale International furniture Showroom to the north east with a courtyard in-between, and expansion of the Natale building towards North Elm Street to the north east. The site is bounded to the northeast by North Elm Street, to the South East by English Road, and to the south west by Pine Street. South of Pine Street will be a 700 car parking garage and to the north west of our site will be the new minor league baseball stadium. Surface 678 contributed site improvements including the streetscape along Elm, English and Pine Streets, development a main entry landscape along Pine Street, develop a semi-private courtyard between the Factory and Natale buildings, renovation of the parking to the northwest of the Natale Building and Building B, creation of a small courtyard space for the expansion building, and integration of the existing plaza at the northern corner of the Natale Building.